
At Qi Veterinary Clinic, we have integrated in-house laboratory and imaging equipment to help diagnose our patients’ conditions quickly and accurately. In our laboratory, we can perform complete blood counts (CBCs) and serum chemistries within 15 minutes. Our ProCyte blood cell analyzer gives us red and white blood cell counts in just minutes, which is important to discover anemia or inflammatory conditions. Our chemistry analyzer gives us information on the health of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, thyroid, and adrenal glands and various electrolyte levels within the body. Our SediVue Urine analysis system gives accurate readings on fresh urine samples within minutes.
We can integrate this information with radiographic and ultrasound images to help complete the ‘diagnostic picture.’ Digital radiology allows us to quickly take diagnostic films, share them with consulting veterinary radiologists when necessary, and manipulate the images for easier interpretation. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound unit yields accurate images of the internal body to help diagnose inflammation and neoplasia (cancer) tissues within the body.
We additionally have video microscopy with our Nikon video-scope that allows several individuals to study the field simultaneously. We analyze aspirates of tissues using this advanced microscope.
We have partnered with Idexx Laboratories for histopathology, endocrinology, and microbiology testing, including culture and sensitivity as well as fecal parasite testing. Results are available within one to four days.

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